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Catholic Schools Week: Professionals in the Community

I heard inspiration to live out my unique calling in an evangelical conference with words to the effect of:

“If we were all called to be priests, who would we administer to…?”

We are each uniquely made; therefore, we are each uniquely called! Now that we know we have a unique journey and destination planned for each one of us, how do we do that? What am I supposed to do now? How do I live out my faith in my calling? In my Vocation?

These are questions we must keep asking as we walk with God…

Understanding the Baptism of Jesus helps you dive deeper in faith by walking in your vocation.

In this instance, I was asked to participate as part of a panel of Catholic Professionals in the Community! I was very excited to join the floor and learn alongside the students about our local community members serving as military priests, a combat meteorologist, a county commissioner, physicists, and - yours truly - a baseball engineer!

This is my first public profession of faith in front of an audience… It was incredible to share my journey with a few extra passengers through a glimpse of my trials, challenges, pains, failures, successes, growth, joys, smiles, laughs, tears, and all!

The students are from Saint Mary Catholic School in my hometown. I had a major realization as I was looking into the eyes of this attentive youth eager to learn about our passions beyond school: the Virgin Mother Mary was only 2 years older than some of these students when she declared her “Yes!” to the Lord through the appearance of Archangel Gabriel at her annunciation!

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